வாசி யோகம் எனும் அற்புத வாழும் கலை மூலம் நம் உள் கடந்தால் கடவுள் நிலை அடையலாம்
Vaasi Yogam means fortune of living the moment with the guidance of divine light within as explained below.
Complex life made beautiful via Vaasi Yogam

Vaasi Yogam is the supreme form of Yoga, where the Subtle Mystic Breadth that happens within our body under Gurudeva’s guidance will activate the powerful spiritual energy at Mooladhaara chakra (Root) to rise the spine towards Sahasra chakra (Crown) resulting in ultimate peace and bliss while experiencing the oneness of the universe.
People practicing yoga worldwide, wants to discover within and live to the fullest potential, leading to Self realisation . Since Ancient times up until now, the Vaasi yogam experience has given rise to True wisdom, Liberation and Enlightenment for many universal masters called Siddhars or Gurus.
Gurudeva provides Vaasi Yogam services in 3 progressive stages as Vaasi Theetchai, Vaasi Malarchi and Vaasi Sampoornam. It is also very clearly explained in services section of this website.
Once you are connected with Gurudeva, you need to do your duty responsibly (Karma Yogam), you need to show involvement & devotion in every action (Bhakthi Yogam), your gratefulness for Gurudeva will raise your dormant universal energy (Kriya Yogam) and with the activation of all chakras you will attain clarity and self realization (Gnana Yogam).
குருதேவா அருளால் உங்களுக்கு வாசி யோகம் நிகழும் அப்பொழுது கீழ் கூறியுள்ள அனைத்து யோகங்களும் நிகழும்.

Bhakthi Yoga
Doing all duties with a smile, absolute devotion and involvement. Guru Bhakthi and being grateful is very important on this journey of Vaasi Yogam.
வாசி யோகம் நிகழ குரு பக்தி மிகவும் அவசியம். நாம் பக்தி மற்றும் நன்றி உணர்வுடன் நமது கடமைகளை புன்னகையுடன் செய்வதே பக்தி யோகம்.

Karma Yoga
Doing all daily duties with total responsibility and without expectation, guarantees that you don’t carry Karma.

Gnana Yoga
Activation of Thirdeye will give you ultimate clarity on this journey, known as Self Realisation.
நமது நெற்றிக்கண் திறக்க ‘நான் யார்’ என்பதை அறிவோம் அதுவே தன்னை அறிதல் எனும் ஞான யோகம்.

Kriya Yoga
Under Gurudeva’s guidance and with your continuous practice, energy will activate all chakras & unlocks your potential to explore higher dimensions of life.
குரு பக்தியுடன் தியானம் செய்தால் உங்களுக்குள் இருக்கும் ஆதி சக்தி ஆதி சிவனை நோக்கி செல்லும் குருதேவா அருளால் அதுவே கிரியா யோகம்.
Healing Benefits of Vaasi Yogam.
As a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, I know universal energy heals people. Whereas in Vaasi Yogam, universal energy heals and then spiritually evolves people towards Enlightenment or to experience the oneness of universe.
Some Vaasi Yogam practitioners below claim recovery from symptoms of migraines and Depressions after connecting with Gurudeva

Inner Journey to Know the Unknown
In 2016, I asked myself what’s next in life, and then I said to myself that what I know is a drop and the unknown is the ocean. It was obvious that all problems in my life are just out of what I know, so I decided to explore the unknown within so I could live without any problems and be a solution to the world.
This made me meditate intensely for 10 minutes every day for around 1 year. During this period, at one point my love for my wife Devi invoked the process of kundalini yoga (Kriya Yoga) which made the energy flow up the spine and reach my third eye. Since then with committed practices, Vaasi yoga started to happen within my body. In short, Vaasi means residing peacefully and blissfully within while experiencing subtle breath. This is the transformation I had from a stressful to a peaceful life.
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